Address & Contacts


Rruga e Durresit, opposite the ex coffe Flora, 2nd floor, above the law firm "Jove", near Behari confectionery.
Tirane, 1000. Albania

Tel: +355 44807167
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Skype: alba.punesim

{rsform 4}


Apliko për Punë

Aplikime për Punë
    Të dhënat personale
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    Please type your full name.
  3. E-mail(*)
    Invalid email address.
  4. Telefon(*)
    Please type your full name.
  6. Niveli Edukimit(*)
    Please tell us how big is your company.
  7. Fusha Specializimit(*)
    Please type your full name.
    Pozicioni për të cilin kërkoni të aplikoni
  9. Pozicioni(*)
    Please type your full name.
  10. Ngarko CV
    Invalid Input


Cfarë mund të bëjmë ne per ju ?
Ekipi ynë i rekrutimit do të gjej kantidatët për të cilët ju keni nevojë. Këta janë kandidatet që ju duhen juve, me aftësitë e duhura dhe në momentin e duhur.



Cfare mund te bejme ne per ju ?
Ne do te bejmne gjithshka eshte e mundur qe ju te gjeni punen ideale. Marredhenia juaj me ne, ju ben qe te keni nje perspective te sigurte ne tregun e punes.


Services for Employers

The basis of our success is our partnership with you in the hiring process.

This partnership is based on trust, responsibility and cooperation of both parties. During the first meeting, before formally undertaking the project, we present you with our way of working and also try to get as much information about the needs that you have.

We provide objective information about the availability of our resources, the time needed to accomplish the project. It is our practice to undertake only those projects which we can fulfill.

After meeting with you (the client), we prepare a draft project, describing in detail the process of research, details and price. Together with you, we define key criteria in the selection of candidates and that information about the company and position allowed us to discuss with the candidates.

We also train clients to determine the requirements for a given position and the selection of desired characteristics of candidates. Once you have specified the project and determine the desired candidate profile, we start searching using various recruitment methods and instruments (browsing our database and the public CVs, gathering information with the help of the network of existing contacts, market research, advertising in the media, alternative methods, etc.).

During the selection process, we use all the methods of professional staff selecting (structured interview, psychological test, reference check of the candidate, their verification)

We present the profiles of those candidates who we think will fit well with the company and will work successfully. We shall present information about candidates openly with the customers, by following facts.

Since the beginning of the project we present you with a consultant who will handle the project and you may be addressed if the process requires information about current process or employment in general.

We assist our client in final negotiations with the candidate and advice the clients based on our We work with clients throughout the process, informing him of the status of any particular stage experience.

If after the selection, for a 3-month period, the client is not satisfied with the selected candidate, we enable contact with another candidate without added price.

The candidates selected in a project, do not select in another project.
